Optimizing Social Feeds & Information
This was way over due. I haven’t added any post to this blog, and I haven’t really spent focused time to optimize workflow around how I collect information.
This past weekend, I finally got around to do it and this is what it looks like so far.
If I am the author (contents on my own Web Site or other sources), I’d just publish to LinkedIn or Twiter as I see fit. If I am not the author, I’d utilize IFTTT to handle the various events, and use Pocket as the central repository of the feeds that I’ve filtered If I like what I read in Pocket, I’ll post to twitter, and I may archive the content on EverNote. For now, I have enabled storing subscriptions to Google Drive as an experiment but I might discard it.
I’d like to try this out to see how it helps optimizing my time spent on gathering information, as well as sharing information. I’ll then likely shift my Web site to demonstrate activities around social feeds that I am interested in.